Antioxidants: What are they? What are the Benefits?

We often hear about foods that we should be eating that are great in aiding weight loss or foods that promote good heart health, but do you know what foods can help stop cell damage? These foods would be the ones that are full and rich of antioxidants. What are antioxidants? Antioxidants are natural or…


I’ve started seeing more mangos coming in to the local markets. As a kid we didn’t have access to mangos like we do now and I must admit, it was a slow transition for me. I was intimidated by this unknown produce. I tried having my first mango on a Mexico Mission Trip as an older…

Nutrition for Women

Avoid yo-yo dieting You’ve been working out and dieting to fit into that favorite bikini of yours, and you’ve finally done it! But life gets busy, and you have trouble making time to work out and eat well. That bikini starts looking a little tight, and before you know it, fitting into that tiny thing…


“Detox diets” are defined as short-term changes made to eliminate toxins from the body and help in weight loss. There are a large variety of detox diets ranging from juice fasts to simply altering food choices. These diets claim to clean the blood and get rid of harmful toxins from the body. Popular commercial detox…

Your Plate: Do You Clean It or Not?

A common discussion around the dinner table growing up may have been to clean or not clean your plate. We all have behaviors suggested or encouraged by those that care for us. Many times our caregiver has the best of intentions and makes suggestions from their own experiences. Were you part of the ‘clean your…