The key with the Red Raider Plate is to give you a foundation to build your meals on and to provide you with an array of nutrients and flavor.

Plant-Based Eating Styles

For today’s National Nutrition Month topic, we will be going over some vegetarian tips for those who already follow that pattern or even those interested and want to give it a try. This post doesn’t suggest by any means that you become vegetarian. However, plant-based protein options can be nutritionally similar to animal protein options….

The Freshman 15, Myth or Fact?

The term “Freshman 15” was coined in 1989 by Seventeen Magazine causing irrational fear and obsessive thoughts of college weight gain for over 30 years.

Dietitians Eat Chicken Nuggets Too

As an intern and aspiring RD, I have had the opportunity to see the many ways that people view RDs and react when we say, “I’m a dietitian”, so today I want to debunk a few myths about dietitians to help you better understand who we are and who we aren’t.

Do I need to Health-ify my Holiday?

Some things I’ve learned as a dietitian is that moderation is key and eating healthy often is a great way to incorporate balance. Do plan to enjoy the fun treats throughout the season

It’s Hearty Soup Season!

Have you ever had a meal that reminds you of home? Have you ever craved something warm when it is chilly outside?

Ways To Improve Your Gut Health

A bad gut can be linked to your immune system, mood, mental health, and gastrointestinal issues (such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Spilling the Beans on Caffeine

On average, adults in the U.S consume between 110-260 mg of caffeine per day 1. Naturally occurring in plants, beans, fruits, chocolate, coffees, and teas, caffeine is readily available for individuals to consume regularly.

Smart Snacking Through the Semester

Snacks can be an important part of your daily intake. They help provide energy in between meals and before exercise. Here are some tips to snack smarter and fuel your day!

Watermelon Health Benefits

Watermelon is a refreshing, hydrating, and easy to prepare fruit in the summer. It is known for its hydrating sensation and the health benefits it provides. In addition, (WebMD) states watermelon is made of 92% water, which helps in regulating water intake during these brutal hot summer days.

Cottage Cheese

Did you know that more than 500 pounds of Cottage cheese is produced in the US yearly and is considered the first American cheese? Other names for Cottage cheese are Dutch cheese or Smearcase (German Schmierkase) that was typically paired with bread or crackers.

Are Carbohydrates Bad?

Carbohydrates (Carbs) often get a bad rap. Carbs are an essential macronutrient that the body needs to function and provide numerous health benefits. But some Carbs may be better for you than others.